This guide brings together resources for formatting academic writing as well as resources for keeping track of and citing any information gathered for papers, projects, and presentations of any type.
The following style guides are likely to be useful to the Darden community. In particular, the Harvard Business School Citation Guide [PDF] contains guidance on citing specialized business information resources including cases, SEC filings, analyst reports, presentations, and news sources as well as scholarly papers and information found in the databases the Camp Library subscribes to.
Visit the Avoiding Plagiarism page to learn more about avoiding plagiarism.
Darden Camp Library, First Floor, 100 Darden Blvd., Darden Business School, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903 Mailing Address: Darden Camp Library, PO Box 6550, Charlottesville, VA 22906-6550 Google Map with Darden Library Email: Phone: (434) 924-7321 FAX: (434) 924-3533