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Darden Camp Library: Home

Reference Assistance

Contact the Library

Library Service Desk
(434) 924-7321

FAX:  (434) 924-3533

Tom Marini, Library Director
(434) 924-7271

Heather Enderle, Reference Librarian

Cynthia Bono, Serials and Database Manager

Iuliia Nahirna, Circulation and Reserves Specialist

Darden Camp Library Hours

Summer Reference, Circulation and Public Hours:

Monday - Thursday: 10:00am - 4pm.
Friday: 10:00am - 2pm.

Building Hours with Swipe Access for Darden students, faculty and staff:

Monday - Sunday: 6:00 am - 12:00am

Darden Library hours follow all weather-related and emergency schedule changes to the University of Virginia academic schedule. If classes are cancelled, the library will remain closed. If classes are delayed, the library opening will be delayed.

See for up-to-date information.

Hours vary during Darden exam periods, holidays, and semester breaks.

You can also view other UVA library hours.

Requests for Purchase

Purchase recommendations should go to Tom Marini: 
(434) 924-7271

Database Use

Use of information in these resources is governed by the Darden Community Honor Code, as well as individual database vendor agreements. Camp Library contracts with vendors to allow faculty, students, and staff to use these subscription databases for educational, personal and non-commercial purposes.

As part of the agreement, both copyright and contract law apply. According to the "fair use" clauses of U.S. copyright law, you may cite short excerpts in papers and reports for classroom and other academic uses if you also cite the source of the information (e.g. journal article). You may not use entire works for this purpose. When using information from these databases, properly cite and credit the source. If you have any questions about citing a particular resource, please contact us.

For more information on the proper citation of all resources, please see the library's guide on:

 Avoiding Plagiarism 

UVA VIRGO Online Catalog & Inter Library Loan

Assistive Technology

Turner Collection: New Fiction & Popular Non-Fiction

Research Data Services

The University of Virginia Library has a Research Data Services & Sciences department that can help with data visualization, research software and more!  For more information research software subscriptions please see the Research Software Support page. Questions about eligibility to download and use such software should be sent to:

Recent Faculty Publications

Journal cover and author photo
Journal cover and author photo
Journal cover and author photo
Journal cover and author photo
Journal cover and author photo
Journal cover and author photo
Journal cover and author photo
Journal cover and author photo
Journal cover and author photo
Journal cover and author photo
Journal cover and author photo
Journal cover and author photo
Journal cover and author photo

Darden Camp Library, First Floor, 100 Darden Blvd., Darden Business School, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903
Mailing Address: Darden Camp Library, PO Box 6550, Charlottesville, VA 22906-6550  Google Map with Darden Library
Email:   Phone: (434) 924-7321   FAX: (434) 924-3533

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