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Library for Faculty: Home

Document and Book Delivery

Darden faculty & staff can request articles and books:

  • Send your request via email to 
  • Call (434) 924-7321
  • If your article request is not available at UVA, we will request it for you from UVA Interlibrary Loan.

Class Reserves - Faculty & Faculty Assistants

  • Faculty members or their assistants can send a request to have items placed on Library Reserve to Cynthia Bono.  
  • Let us know if the Library needs to purchase textbooks and/or assigned reading books.
  • Please specify:
    • Number of copies for each title
    • Name of class that will use title.
    • Any preference regarding time period for checkout: two-hour, four-hour, 24 hour, 1 week.
  • We can make multiple copies of practice exams.  Please specify if you want no photocopying of practice exams.

Research Assistance

Take advantage of librarian expertise in researching business and economics information.  Reference librarians can assist you in finding articles, books, and analyst reports on specific companies and topics.  They can also find data from our broad collection of statistical and financial databases.

Request assistance from:

Assistance with tenure/promotion packets & dossiers

  • Library staff can help track down citations and articles needed in the preparation of tenure/promotion packets and dossiers.
  • We can also track down  citation counts needed from Web of Knowledge/Web of Science and/or Google Scholar.
  • Please drop by or send us an email request to .

Library Purchases

Send purchase suggestions for journals, books, databases, and other resources to library@darden.virginia.eduAll suggestions will be given careful consideration.

Assistance with Faculty Database Subscriptions

Contact reference librarians if you need help researching the availability and pricing of databases you are interested in.


Darden Camp Library, First Floor, 100 Darden Blvd., Darden Business School, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903
Mailing Address: Darden Camp Library, PO Box 6550, Charlottesville, VA 22906-6550  Google Map with Darden Library
Email:   Phone: (434) 924-7321   FAX: (434) 924-3533

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