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Creating an ORCID ID


ORCID or Open Researcher Contributor ID and is actually a non-profit organization. The essential aim of ORCID is too help researchers establish themselves via a digital presence by a unique 16 digit identifier. This is to eliminate confusion that stems from researchers with the same or similar names. ORCID IDs are free and you can register to get one.


To learn more about ORCID

To register for ORCID

UVA has developed a connector to connect your ORCID ID to the University to find out more about this visit,

Registering for an ORCID ID

  1. Go to the Create Your ORCID ID. You must include a first name and an email address. 


2. You will be asked if people with either the same or similar first and last names are you. If they are not, click on "none of these are me continue with registration"

3. From there you will be asked to create a password for your ORCID ID.
4. You can then select your privacy settings
5. Next you will be given your ORCID ID and you will be asked to verify your email. 
6. Finally you will be able to edit your information including: name, email, education, work and demographic details. 

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Darden Camp Library, First Floor, 100 Darden Blvd., Darden Business School, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903
Mailing Address: Darden Camp Library, PO Box 6550, Charlottesville, VA 22906-6550  Google Map with Darden Library
Email:   Phone: (434) 924-7321   FAX: (434) 924-3533

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